Cogran Systems

Great Features plus Great Support Make Cogran a Great System

Cogran's great support and training make our powerful features even more useful.

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Program Restrictions Make it Easy to Register, but how do you know which to use?

When setting up a registration system for camps, sports leagues, or any youth-oriented programs, a crucial decision is whether to base registration on age or grade.

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Embrace the renewal of Spring with Cogran: A swift and seamless solution for recreation news

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Get Ready for Next Season While Enjoying This One!

Get ready for the next season before this one ends!

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A Comprehensive Solution for Small Cities' Community Management

In today's fast-paced world, effective membership management is crucial for the success of organizations and clubs of all sizes. Whether you're running a sports club, fitness center, community group, or any membership-based organization, the key to thriving often lies in how well you can nurture, engage, and retain your members.

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Why You Should Choose Cogran

Choosing the right registration management company can make or break your organization's success. From streamlining processes to enhancing user experiences, the decision you make impacts more than just registration. At Cogran, we're committed to being your partner in achieving greatness. Here's why selecting a top-notch registration management company like Cogran is crucial for your organization's success.

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Why You Should Watch a Demo with Cogran

Considering Cogran for your organization? Watching demos can provide valuable insights into why it's the right choice. Discover how Cogran's solutions can transform your processes and decision-making through the power of visual understanding, real-life scenarios, and hands-on exploration. Explore the top reasons why video demos are your gateway to unlocking the full potential of Cogran.

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Taking Attendance with Cogran!

Attendance tracking might not sound like the most exciting task, but when you do it with Cogran, it becomes an absolute breeze.

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Cogran's New App!

Cogran announces a new App for the public and for admins.

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Lottery Registration

Lottery Style Registration

Cogran announces Lottery Style registration! Great for camps that fill up fast.

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Translated Cogran

Cogran Member Perks

Cogran announces Member Perks, a new feature that enhances Cogran's rich membership management suite.

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Translated Cogran

Cogran Translations

Cogran announces translations, a new feature that instantly transforms a Cogran site into most languages. Cogran is instantly translated into languages and alphabets used by cultures originating around the globe. From Telegu to Danish, Cogran is able to appear in most languages with the click of a button.

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Skiing Granddad

Welcome 2022: Cogran Looks Ahead

gran’s newest features include building out functionality to better serve clicents. Cogran's enhanced point of sale features grow to include multi-price tickets. A new focus on membership includes automatic membership payments. Cogran's expanded tools build on current features to ensure that both admins and customers find it intuitive to add more items types to carts.

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New Back Office

The new Cogran Office has crisp workflows and an intuitive path to success. At the same time, Cogran hasn’t lost the flexible power that existing customers like. Cogran has also used new technology to flatten processes, loop in new functions, and continue to provide a fully mobile functionality. Cogran has been re-architected to use the latest in Angular design to provide under-the-hood power and enhance development.

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2021: Looking Ahead to Better Times

At Cogran, we are grateful for our clients and so impressed with the ways that communities and organizations have pivoted to provide services for communities in need. In a most challenging year, we at Cogran have seen community centers transform into food shelves. It’s been inspiring to see, and a reminder of why Cogran exists: to make it easier and less expensive to run community events, classes, and more.

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2020 in Review

At Cogran, this has been a year of challenges—as registrations drop and our client organizations struggle to keep open their doors. It has also been a year of opportunity as our development schedule has accelerated. It has also been a year of opportunity as our development schedule has accelerated.

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Girl by Stream in Fall

Four Powerful Tips to Increase Retention Rates

Just like a first-term congressman’s priority is to get re-elected, so should your organization prioritize its retention efforts for new members. Just because the membership dues have been collected, doesn’t mean it’s time to relax or take a vacation. Member retention efforts should begin immediately after the member pays their dues.

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Donut Chart

Big News! Cogran Launches Charts

Cogran now offers a range of the most commonly used reports in chart view.

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Child Diving into Pool

Aquatics and Cogran

Cogran’s class registrations and POS are handy for Aquatics centers, with great capacity-limiting tools for reopening after Covid.

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POS checkout

Cogran Adds Barcodes to Receipts

Cogran now barcodes Point of Sale receipts, which allows customers to use their e-receipt as a ticket. The automatic barcoding transforms a receipt into a ticket, allowing checkin with the use of a simple scanner.

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POS checkout

Cogran Point of Sale: New and Improved in Spring 2020

Cogran POS comes in handy when there is no need to gather full registration details of a participant. With no registration required—just a simple login—this new approach to POS means that sales are quicker, simpler, and apply to even more parts of a recreation department’s workflow.

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POS checkout

Cogran Spring 2020 Features

Cogran rolls out new features in Spring 2020 that further cement its position as a leader in registration management technology.

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Direct to Checkout

Direct to Checkout

Cogran has launched a new feature for Spring 2020 to make it easier than ever to market programs. Now, Cogran offers a direct-to-checkout link. That means that an advertisement can be hotlinked with a direct-to-checkout link to the program being advertised. Increase sales with this handy new feature.

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Athlete Contemplates Barbell

Keeping Your Clients Resolutions

Every year, it seems the number one New Year’s resolution is always to get back to the rec center and lose that weight you have wanted to lose all year. As a result, gyms, rec centers, and exercise classes see an influx of members and walk-in that are looking to keep their resolutions. However, for one reason or another, by the first week in February, those resolutions have been all but forgotten and the gyms are empty again. Did you ever think there

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Adults Play Sports

Membership Management with Cogran

The advantage of managing membership in a single system.

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Friends Checkin In as Members

Checking In and Out

Checkins with Cogran are easy. Simply use any online device and pull up the course or person you need to check in!

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Recreation Mockup

Pricing Your Programs

We all know how tricky it is to find the right price for your program—and how hard it is to commit to spending it.

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Tech camp

Mailing Lists Made Easy

Emailing and other communications are essential

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Cogran simplifies the management of camps

Every Camp is Different

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Sports League Flow

From one part of a season to the next, Cogran manages the flow of every league

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Sports Technology Awards

Cogran is Shortlisted for the Sports Technology Awards

The Sports Technology Awards has shortlisted Cogran Systems as Best New Startup and Best App. As an internationally recognised mark of excellence, the Sports Technology Awards is celebrating innovation in sport on the 4th May 2017.

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Lacrosse Girls

Our Commitment to Sports Technology

Our Commitment to Sports Technology

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Material Design in Action

Material Design

Keeping up to date, flexible, quick and adaptable requires many levels of expertise.

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Kids in the woods

Camp Reflections

Camp is the best, and we try to make summer to run more smoothly

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Uniquely Flexible Reporting Tools

You're going to be amazed by the power of the information at your fingertips.

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Three Reasons to Track Attendance

Taking attendance matters. Here are three reasons why.

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The Importance of Scheduling Software

If you have ever coached a child's athletic team, you have seen the behind the scenes issues that plague the world of recreational children's athletics. On paper, everything looks amazing!

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Let the Games Begin

Baseball season is upon us! For anyone who has ever played, had children who played, coached, or managed youth baseball knows that this can be among the most strenuous times of the year, although it is also among the most fun.

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Volunteering Ramps Up With Warm Weather

As the weather gets warmer and people start to break away from the dreary indoors, charitable organizations begin their fundraising efforts with walkathons, races, and golf outings, as well as many other outdoor volunteer opportunities.

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Facility Management Facts

Managing facilities can be tricky, with so many variables in cost of rooms, different prices for different spaces and times, and the information you need to gather. Cogran can support you with powerful, flexible tools.

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Game Scheduling

Improved League Scheduling

A streamlined interface for league scheduling makes it easier than ever to automate the schedules. We’ve also built in a new feature that allows you to view your list of active teams right in the scheduler—instead of in team maintenance—to verify that all of your teams are active before you run your schedules.

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Fundraising Data

Under the Hood of Fundraising Data

Every nonprofit that relies on fundraising in order to create operational plans needs to stop getting hung up on the presentation of data and begin looking under the hood of the reporting that accompanies a well-planned fundraising event.

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Camp is Over, But Not For Long!

Now that summer is over, kids are back at school, and the dust has settled from yet another busy online registration opportunities. Why? First off, because it improved conversions.

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Get Your Forms Right

What's the right amount of information to glean from your users during registration? We have an unconventional answer.

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Coupons, Promotions, and Discounts

Every registration-driven organization has unique, complex needs for managing promotions while also maximizing registrations and engagement. We excel at helping you find the right combination of options for your organization. First, Cogran Systems allows targeted promotions to fill a low-volume program or to kick things off for a registration season.

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Managing Member Engagement

Building and sustaining rapport between the member and the organization have always been the result of effective engagement practices. Member engagement is more powerful than ever before because of the effect of technology on the cost of doing so.

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Swim Seasons made Simple

Swim Programs have complex problems that Cogran Systems is well-suited for us!

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Registration Forms

Registration Forms for the Whole Family

We're proud of our powerful, flexible registration system for youth sports. A family can log into one account to sign up for a class, register for programs, sign up for sports, volunteer, and reserve a facility. After a household initially signs up, their basic information will auto-populate across every style of registration.

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Mom with Cute Babies

Event Registration Made Easy

Event management doesn't need to be a challenge. With our tools, you can make it work for you!

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Kids at Camp

Camp Registration Speeds Up

“It was like I was selling concert tickets,” laughs Lisa Winston, a children’s ministry coordinator. When registration for summer youth programs opened, one camp filled up in eight hours. The previous record? Ten days.

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Every Sport Image

Cogran Puts the Coach back in the Game

Coaches around the world are very special people. A good portion of them have day jobs, but still find the time to get down to the field or court each week, and they are always prepared and ready to go.

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Skateboarder Image

Resident and Non-Resident Pricing

Cogran makes it easy to use zip codes to manage resident pricing.

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Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Mobile means different things to different people. Here's what it means to us: Anywhere, anywhen.

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Fitness Class

Ready to Take it Online?

Want the convenience of managing your organization in one simple system, from signing people up, to managing accounts, buiding teams, classes, or groups, and more?

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Skateboarder Image

Why are We Called Cogran?

About a decade ago, our founder wanted a name for his new registration management software that wasn't a familiar word, that sounded distinctive, and even more, provided a sense of action and motion.

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Volunteer Working with Kids

Volunteer Management for You!

Cogran offers two styles of volunteer management.

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Adults LawnBowling

One Registration. Many Opportunities.

In Cogran, one registration leads to endless possibilities at recreation departments like yours.

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Mission: Helping Others

Every company has a mission statement, but we actually have a mission.

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