Cogran Systems

The heart of Cogran isAmazing Registration

Slick, intuitive registration for kids, adults, campers, athletes, coaches, volunteers, and more


RegistrationsFast, easy-to-use forms

The actual process of registration should be simple. No matter the device, your customers should be able to quickly and easily fill out a registration from. With powerful, flexible registration forms, Cogran allows your customers to quickly sign up.


Registration Forms

Cogran is built with easy customization in mind. Out of the box, thanks to years of experience serving organizations like yours, the basic registration fields are ready and waiting. You can start to use Cogran's registration without any changes. You'll gather basic information like name, birthdate, grade, and gender for youths, and household information like addresses, phone numbers, and emails, just by default.

Tons of choices

Cogran also includes dozens of options for schools, photo uploads, medical information, insurance details, emergency contacts, and much more. These fields are baked right into Cogran, appearing in rosters and reports if you choose to use them. Make them required, change the instructions, or hide them. The power is yours.

  • Collect emergency contact information
  • Gather insurance information
  • Include waivers and opt-ins
  • Get special info on youth participants, like grade and school
  • Add more than one email for system communications
  • Collect coupon codes
  • Grab zip codes for resident pricing options

Fields and Checkboxes Galore

Of course, not even our experts always know exactly which fields you need your registrants to fill out. That's why Cogran also adds blank fields and checkboxes for you to customize to your needs. Re-order the fields, change their text, and apply them to gather the specifics that you need.

The fields can be applied to an adult or to a youth, so that adults aren't asked to supply irrelevant information like a grade or even something like a birthday.


Waivers, Agreements, and Documents

Every account holder or prime contact must agree to the terms of a waiver, even before entering any other information. That means that every customer has already agreed to your terms and conditions. Additional terms can be added with checkbox agreement requirements on each user record.

Sometimes, a PDF upload or download is required--and that's where Cogran's download manager comes in handy. After registration, users can download paperwork to fill out, then upload it to their account.

HOUSEHOLDSPowerful Accounts for families and individuals

Cogran ties contacts into a household. Users can add as many family members as they want to a household, to reflect their own family, and can add as many registrations in a transaction as they want.

Registration MattersRegistration is at the core of your organization

Change the words

You might call it a "last name" or a "surname." You might use "zip codes" or "postal codes." No problem. The text on forms is easy to update.

Hide or add fields

Cogran makes it easy to build in your own form content. Use customizable fields and checkboxes to make the form gather the information you require.Cogran allows you to choose the fields that are required and which ones can be optional.

Change and update

Users can navigate through registration with ease, making any changes they wish.

Household information

Never add the address twice. With Cogran, basics like address, parent info, phone numbers, and insurance details can be asked once for the whole household, then saved year after year.

Customer information

Sometimes, youths and adults all provide the same information, but often it's different. Cogran allows information like t-shirt size, age, grade, and gender to be asked on both or either type of form.


Cogran's registration forms are designed for mobile, tablets, and desktops. It works on all modern browsers.

Reservations with Cogran

Customize the information gathered about the folks who reserve your spaces,
from zip codes to customer category (like nonprofit or for-profit).