Cogran Systems

Programs, Classes, and More

Cogran supercharges registration programs like classes, camps, sports, and almost everything else.

Great Programs and Simple Setupbuild registration power

Cogran makes is possible to run programs—like classes, camps, and sports—in single system, alongside facility reservations, ticket and pass sales, donation management, and more. One reason is works it that Cogran’s programs are rich with features.

Cogran offers the ability to run programs with all of the flexibility that the real world requires. Registration dates, capacity limits, locations, session details, and tons of pricing variables. Membership? We do that. Resident prices? Yes. Sibling discounts, scholarships, coupons, and more. Installment plans. Smart questions that populate reports in ways that fit your organization.

Programs Packed with Info

Transparent, easy shopping for programs starts with great listings that are incredibly easy to shop.

With all of the information that you want to convey to your customers, listings for programs could easily get complicated. That's why listings on Cogran's built-in website, the Front Page, are so flexible. Our design means that fields are never empty. They only appear if needed.

Cogran makes it easy to shop for programs with a list view or a calendar, built into every system with no extra effort. Then, Cogran displays the important dates, times, locations, and prices. Not only that, but Cogran program listings include extras like admins to contact, registration dates, what to bring, and available discounts.

Learn about Sessions

Let the Correct Registrant In

Cogran's registration programs tackle complex requirements for eligibility. Age ranges, with season or session cut-off dates, are commonly used for youth sports. School-based programs and some camps use grades. If gender comes into play, use that as as well, or hide the gender request field. Restrict programs to members, or offer resident pricing to nearby customers. Cogran allows combinations, too, for complex, instant calculations.


A Crisp Shopping Experience

Cogran program listings show all of the variables that are assigned to programs, so registrants know just what to expect. Show capacities and wait lists. Even show the specific discounts available on each program. Installments and deposits might be offered on one, while another program has member pricing but no ohter discounts. With the Cogran program listings, discounts are always transparent and never confusing.

  • Set a capacity for session and decide how many customers can be on the waitlist
  • Offer deposits and one or more future payments
  • Offer member or resident pricing
  • Quantity discounts and sibling discounts
  • Early prices and late fees

Explain Everything

Need to share more info about a program, over and above the nitty-gritty details? Use Cogran to tell shoppers exactly what they need to know to maximize their engagement. Is this a camp for committed sailors, or a recreation option for any kid? Share that info along with pictures and links to downloads or other sites!

  • An admin contact and email
  • Payment plan details if offered (if not, nothing will appear)
  • Registration Dates
  • Links to other sites
  • Text and images about the programs
  • Location, if required
  • Eligibility, if required
Cogran Filters
Cogran Filters

Find the right programs

Cogran's program filters makes it easy to filter on information that matters, like ages, locations, and class name. The smart filters start to work as soon as shopper start typing. The great news? If that's not info that matters to your organzation, it won't appear to your users, either.