Cogran Systems

Cogran News

Building on Strengths

Cogran’s newest features include building out functionality to better serve clients.

Enhanced Registration Flexibility

Cogran continues to improve its registration system with a range of new features:

  • Level restrictions for registrations
  • Lottery-style registrations
  • And more!

Forever Membership

One of the latest additions to Cogran is the option for forever memberships. This allows memberships to automatically renew and be billed every month, providing convenience for both organizations and their members.

New Donation Reports

Cogran has also introduced new donation reports that provide valuable information about benefactors. These reports enhance your ability to manage and track donations effectively.

Mobile App Included

Exciting news for all Cogran users: now, all Cogran installations come with a mobile app! This app adds even more convenience and accessibility to your Cogran experience.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements from Cogran as they continue to evolve and improve their services.

Cogran News

Learn about Cogran features, news, and handy tips.

About Cogran

Cogran is a leader in registration management technology. Since its founding in the mid 2000s, Cogran has continually added to its feature set with in-house development. Cogran's creative development team finds new ways to solve the problems faced by recreation professionals seeking to provide a user friendly, powerful, fully featured suite of registration and reservation management tools. Cogran handles registration for classes, camps, sports, and events; reservations; membership management; facility management; and tools that can be used to run any registration-driven organization.

Choose Cogran Today!Take your registration system to the next level

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