Cogran Systems

Where did the clicks go? That’s what we keep asking ourselves here at Cogran.

With a complete refresh, Cogran’s back office boasts a fresh new look with a modern, crisp design. That’s not all. We also simplified, streamlined, and updated the way that the back office works.

Modern, Mobile, and FastCogran's Office is better than ever

It's never easy to change something that works. As Cogran added features, simple workflows had become complex. That’s natural with a system as richly featured as Cogran. This refresh loops in those newer features in a seamless design flow.

The new Cogran Office has crisp workflows and an intuitive path to success. At the same time, Cogran hasn’t lost the flexible power that existing customers like.

Cogran is still founded on household accounts, great reports, and registration options that are easy to add, offer, and offer again. Each function is richer.

Questions are more intuitive to update. Reports come with explanations and suggestions for use. Instead of too many options, Cogran offers rebuilt registration setup workflows that make it clear how to use each one.