Cogran Systems

Volunteer Management

for complex organizations with multiple sites and many shifts.

Powerful ToolsInfinite Possibilities

Schedule Recurrences

Set their schedule to recur for months, share dates when they’re not available, and more. Then, when you review your schedules, you can add available volunteer to additional shifts using a great drag-and-drop system. Or, you can allow your volunteers to self-schedule.

Responsive Design

Use it anywhere. Our sites are fully responsive, so they can be used on any device with an Internet connection. Admins and prospective volunteers alike can use their logins to access the system where it is needed the most: at the office, at home, or in the field.

Manage Attendance

Track and report volunteer participation! Using unique codes, volunteers check in and check out at remote sites. You’re able to keep precise track of hours served for your own information, for board reports, and to help volunteers who are sentenced to serve track their precise hours.

Online Signups

Increase participation by accepting online volunteer applications. You’re able to customize your forms to gather the information that you need, when you need it. You can even register entire families on a single account, allowing easier login and management.


Allow in-registration purchases and donations to support the cause, or simply gather a size for t-shirt distribution at your event! You’ll be able to manage your inventory with great ease.

Great Communications

Send messages to your volunteers via email, text, and social media! Automatically confirm a self-selected volunteer role, and send out easy email blasts to remind or thank your volunteers. Easily select groups to receive the same template-driven emails!

Extensive Reports

A crucial part of our online registration system is the ability to track and manage data. Check on everything from incomplete registrations to how many shifts need to be filled. You are able to manage so much about your organization using our powerful report technology.

Volunteer Grouping

Assign leaders to groups. You know they need them! These leaders have their own special level of admin access (at no extra cost) that allows them to do more work for your organization. Member Grouping

Leadership Assignment

Assign leaders to groups. You know they need them! These leaders have their own special level of admin access (at no extra cost) that allows them to do more work for your organization.

Know it allPowerful volunteer records

Support your volunteers, understand your organization, and handle even the most complicated arrangments of groups and individuals. Cogran can work behind the scenes or be used to register volunteers.

  • Age and gender restrictions
  • Location management
  • Unlimited questions
  • Donation management
  • Registration limits
  • Ban from registration
  • Powerful household accounts
flat mobile devices

Just one client schedules7,000 volunteer shifts a month

using their Cogran System.